Saturday, June 19, 2010

Orbs - Sometimes They're There, Sometimes Not


Orbs appear as glowing round things in photographs generally taken with a digital camera using a flash. Orbs appear in photos when you least expect them and they come in different sizes and variations. They are supposedly simply image artifacts as a result of the light from the flash reflecting off tiny particles in the air near the lens, like dust, water, droplets, and even insects. In spite of this, some orbs do not appear to be the result of reflections. Some believe they are manifestations of spirits that show themselves in this form. Rosanna Roces, an actress in the Philippines, has told of her experience with orbs, which she claims, are able to listen and understand her.

The photo above (top) was taken in a house's old front yard. You can see plenty of orbs in it. It's up to you to decide what they actually are. Strangely, in a photograph taken the next night (following), there were no orbs captured. In some cases, orbs can appear as if in motion or show up as trails. The orb trail shown here (left) appeared in a photograph taken in a hotel room in Naga City in the Philippines. Were the orbs just particles in the air, or spirits having a party?

Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, orbs in photos will elude you. But don't despair, the Mini Plasma Light Sphere is here! Always have your own orb of light handy! Click here or on the image to order.

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