Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Chakra Lifetime Are You In?

 Kundalini Yoga for Balanced Chakras DVD - alvinwriter

 Chakra Pillow for Third Eye Intuition by Gurutej KhalsaSometimes, during those rare times when you get to be introspective, you may wonder what you're really doing in this life and who you were meant to share your life with, although even without consciously thinking or doing anything about, it you still and will end up with people who will share your life with one way or the other and who play a part in setting the stage for you. There will be people who you will not get along with and there will be those who will form a special bond with. You may wonder why this is so. There is a reason, and according to Gurutej Khalsa, a pioneering Kundalini yoga teacher in the United States, it concerns the lifetime you are in in terms of chakras.

You don't have to believe in chakras to appreciate what she's saying about lifetimes and chakras, but her explanation can give you enough insight to help you realize your life to the fullest. According to her, there are cycles in your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of each and every one of us. Each cycle (or lifetime as a whole) is related to one of the seven chakras, or what we'll call power centers of the body. Each chakra has an energy or vibration and a lifetime, whether yours or your friend's or family member, aligns with an energy level which corresponds to one of the chakras. If you are in the Crown Chakra, for instance, then you are peaceful and spiritual; if you are in the Second Chakra, then you are sexual and creative.

If you are a spiritual person and you get involved with someone who's lifetime cycle is in the second chakra, then you might not get along very well, such that a conversation with that person about healing candles will only lead to nowhere since the other person will be more interested in something less lofty. You are not sharing the same lifetime with this person, and while you may find each other interesting, you're not in the same vibrational level and if you're wondering if it can lead to a lasting relationship, think again. It can be an amazing experience, though. But the difference in lifetimes does not mean you're better than the other person or the other way around. It simply means you are in a different chakra lifetime. Gurutej Khalsa will say that all levels of experience reveal The Divine. She says, "Some just mix like water and oil—not very well. If you look at life from this place, then you will see that it is not about right or wrong; it is about what is effective for you in this incarnation."

To know what chakra lifetime you are in, learn to master your chakra energies and then allow yourself to see (or feel) your life from a neutral point of view. You can use physical tools like a Yoga Chakra Pillow and kundalini yoga meditation exercise techniques. When you become aware of your lifetime cycle chakra, you will begin to appreciate your life more and appreciate things that happen as gifts that you can enjoy. You will also attract the kind of lifelines (relationships) that will help you in your life journey.

 Chakra Pillow for Third Eye Intuition by Gurutej Khalsa - alvinwriter
Purchase the Chakra Pillow for Third Eye Intuition by Gurutej Khalsa

Learn more about Gurutej Khalsa and her yoga teachings in her site

Gurutej Khalsa's images are from her website and used with permission.

Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact the blog owner for copyright inquiries.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Medicine Woman Reading Candles Sees the Dwarves in Wax

Old woman medium healer performs a candle reading ritual.

Can candles be used in place of crystal balls to have sight beyond sight? This old folk medicine woman in the Philippines easily answers that question as she practices reading candles, also known as candle wax or candle drip reading. It is a form of psychic scrying or divination wherein candle wax is either dripped or dropped into water where it forms a shape that's interpreted by the reader (see image below).

This Filipino medicine woman was consulted regarding the cause of a young man's skin condition. She has been reading candles as a living and is approached by locals for a variety of reasons - many relating to supernatural creatures like dwarves and other elemental beings which have been disturbed by people. This medium often gets visitors asking for candle readings.

In this candle reading, the wax formed the shape of two dwarfs (one large; one small). The pointed appearance of parts of the wax were seen as the pointed hats of the dwarves. To the untrained eye, a lot of imagination may be needed to see this, but this woman medium recognizes the figure of the dwarves immediately. She carefully wrapped the wax figure in a piece of newspaper and gave instructions to have the afflicted place it under his pillow before sleeping and also to burn incense. This psychic rituals are meant to appease the elemental being, or elementals (the dwarves or whatever), concerned so that they may forgive the human victim and reverse the punishment, which in this case took the form of a facial rash.

Going back to the question: Can candles be used for scrying and divination? For psychics and mediums, the answer is yes, but it's up to you to believe or not.

Dwarf-like wax figure from reading candles.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Roswell UFO Debris Collection of Neil Gould at the First Philippine UFO Convention

Neil Gould shows his Roswell UFO debris collection.

Neil Gould's Roswell debris collection.
It took two years to post this, but here it is finally - Neil Gould, UFO exopolitics expert and author of the book, Close Encounters of the ADHD Kind (see below) at the Philippines UFO Convention (2011) where he gave a talk and presented his collection of Roswell Incident UFO crash artifacts. An interesting individual with an intriguing past, Neil Gould has been asked by people if he's really an alien, to which he would answer with a straight face, "Add an "A" to my name and spell it backwards and see what you get." Some say that if you look at his eyes, you would see something different. Whether it's literal or not is up to you to decide.

But despite of talks of his being out of this world, Gould was pretty much down to earth at the convention, entertaining questions and showing of his collection of the Roswell Incident debris, which looked exactly like how debris found at the site have been described based on what other collectors had found. His prized collection was no different, looking like little pieces of twisted lead or galvanized iron sheets.They came from Roswell and, as people say, from outer space. If there are more of those, they/'re likely kept in Area 51 which has been connected to many UFO sightings and reportedly alien sightings.

Neil Gould's Roswell UFO crash debris collection.

Here's something for the UFO enthusiast collector

Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact the blog owner for copyright inquiries.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

On Petrus Romanus and The Prophecy of the Popes

The Prophecy of the Popes by Arnoldo Wion. 16th Century. Wikipedia

St. Malachy of Ireland. Wikipedia
I'd read about the Prophecy of the Popes a long time ago in an old book published by Reader's Digest. Purportedly from Saint Malachy (1094-1148), it predicted some of the Catholic Church's Popes up to the last one identified as Petrus Romanus, who, supposedly, will lead the Church's flock in a time of tribulation and destruction in Rome, when the "dreadful judge will judge his people." Intriguing, but is it true?

Pope Benedict XVI, who preceded Pope Francis, had been linked to the Malachy prophecy. He's supposedly the second-to-the-last-Pope with the title, The Glory of the Olive. Benedict's choice of name as Pope was inspired by St. Benedict of Nursia, who founded the Benedictine Order which has a branch called Olivetans. It's a stretch, but the connection is there.

Now with the new Pope, some people were challenged to connect him with Petrus Romanus (though it's also a stretch). Well, whether you believe in St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes or not, here's the imaginary connection I came up with, which is intriguing, nonetheless.

Here it goes. If you've followed the election process for the new Pope, a sea bird, which is common in Italy, came to rest on the Sistine Chapel chimney just before white smoke came out of it (black smoke meant "no Pope yet" and white smoke meant "yes, we've a new Pope").

Sea bird. Wikipedia.
In sailors' lore, sea birds warned of coming storms. One of these sea birds is the stormy petrel, which were omens to ancient sailors of bad weather ahead. The sea bird which alighted on the Sistine Chapel Chimney was identified as a Yellow-legged Gull, not a petrel, as petrels aren't found in the Vatican. But this gull may be seen as the petrel of Rome. Like the petrel, seagulls were also thought to cry out before a disaster and also warned of impending storms. It's believed these birds carried the souls of dead fishermen and sailors. The etymology of the word Petrel, according to Wiktionary, is, "Perhaps a diminutive of Peter, with reference to St. Peter's walking on water (Matthew 14:29). St. Peter, the first Pope, was once a fisherman who got off his boat and walked briefly on water to go to Jesus before he began to sink, supposedly, due of fear... From here on, you can follow though with your own thoughts, but you really shouldn't take it seriously.

TRIVIA: Pope Francis is the first pope to have visited the grave of St. Peter, the first pope, in the underground necropolis beneath the Vatican, after archaeologists found the site with an inscription that reads, "Peter is here" in 1965.

Invite the genius of Leonardo da Vinci to your table with this fine dinner tray inspired by The Last Supper. Click here to order one for your family.

Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact the blog owner for copyright inquiries.