Monday, June 14, 2010

Ghost Hunting in an Old House in Bicol Reveals Orbs and a Mysterious Light

There's an ancestral house in the Bicol province that's been abandoned. It's over a hundred years old and is already decaying in spite of countless renovations and shoring up. It's days are numbered and may be demolished soon. But in its heyday, the old house likely glowed and was level with the road beside it. But now that the highway has been concreted and overlaid several times, it's sunken down to two meters below road-level and parts of it likely flood in the monsoon season. The moisture has caused the wood to rot quickly, so it's remained empty and shut for years.

Those who used to stay in the ancestral house as kids told of scary things that have happened to them. One recounted how a looming back shadow woke him from sleep; another told of smelling her departed grandmother's perfume while playing in a room. But those were just tales; if the house was really haunted, we needed proof. So my friends and I decided to go on an impromptu ghost hunt using nothing more than a digital camera and a flashlight. For privacy, the exact location of the house and the names of the owners are withheld.

The house has two storeys, but we had access to only the first floor. We were lucky to be given permission to explore the house since the owner thought it was dangerous to enter it with rotting floorboards and all. The steps going upstairs were already giving way. We were very careful inside. It was really dark and the single flashlight hardly revealed much.Note that the shiny dots on the door in the photo on the left are reflections from a Fengshui ornament.

I took photos of an open window (top; left). I was hoping to catch something there — like a ghost looking out to see who the curious visitors were — but I didn't see anything. The interior of the first floor also didn't reveal anything. After several photographs, we went out.

Later, we would see that our pictures did catch a few things. There were obviously orbs of light in some of them. In the picture at the top, a strange ray of light comes down from the ceiling at an angle (left; it's just above the horizontal beam near the ceiling). The light seems to be pointing to something near the far wall where an eye-like orb is keeping watch! Note that the ceiling beam has an inscription, which reads completely as: UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS KEEP OUT! (below are two versions of the same cropped image; the one above has normal contrast while the other is enhanced). What appears to be a string of orbs in the foreground is likely from a cobweb or plastic string. Simply click on the image to view it in detail.

We didn't bother to go back in the house and rummage through the dusty clutter to see if there's anything to find where the mysterious ray of light and eye-like orb (left) pointed to. One of my exploring companions wasn't really that keen anymore to explore any further. He suggested that we back off else the spirits get annoyed by our presence or get too attached to us. Anyway, if there's really something to be unearthed in that old house, it was none of our business. It may be wise just to leave it buried and undiscovered.

Click on the images to view them in a larger format.

See the picture of another eye-like orb as well as a red orb with a scowling face in this post: Red Orb with Nasty Face Caught by Camera after Kid-like Apparition Sighted

Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.

So you want to be a ghostbuster, eh? Well, sometimes, ghostbusting is best left for the professionals. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun wearing a Ghostbusters T-shirt. Click here, or on the image, to place your order.