Saturday, June 19, 2010
Orbs - Sometimes They're There, Sometimes Not
Orbs appear as glowing round things in photographs generally taken with a digital camera using a flash. Orbs appear in photos when you least expect them and they come in different sizes and variations. They are supposedly simply image artifacts as a result of the light from the flash reflecting off tiny particles in the air near the lens, like dust, water, droplets, and even insects. In spite of this, some orbs do not appear to be the result of reflections. Some believe they are manifestations of spirits that show themselves in this form. Rosanna Roces, an actress in the Philippines, has told of her experience with orbs, which she claims, are able to listen and understand her.
The photo above (top) was taken in a house's old front yard. You can see plenty of orbs in it. It's up to you to decide what they actually are. Strangely, in a photograph taken the next night (following), there were no orbs captured. In some cases, orbs can appear as if in motion or show up as trails. The orb trail shown here (left) appeared in a photograph taken in a hotel room in Naga City in the Philippines. Were the orbs just particles in the air, or spirits having a party?
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, orbs in photos will elude you. But don't despair, the Mini Plasma Light Sphere is here! Always have your own orb of light handy! Click here or on the image to order.
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Thursday, June 17, 2010
Mysterious Creature Photographed in a Man-made Cave in Ecovillage in CamSur, Bicol
I have no idea what's been captured on camera here. If you look at the full picture (top), you will see what appears to be a “creature” hanging from the ceiling of a cave. The cave is actually a man made structure for tourists at the Ecovillage park in the Camsur Watersports Complex in Bicol. The cropped section that follows reveal more details. Did you notice that there are also two orbs captured by the camera above the creature? They may just be marks on the concrete wall, but I could be wrong.
I only noticed the creature after the image was magnified on a laptop. In the detail (left), you can clearly see its two eyes that glow. It seems to have a body but there are no signs of appendages like feet and arms. If you examine the magnified image closely, you will see that it has three whitish dots on its forehead that form an upside down triangle. Its appearance kind of reminds us of a Pokemon from the animated series.
The look of the creature can easily remind you of a bat or a cat, but the eyes are far too wide. Coincidentally, my friend was talking about hearing a cat meowing loudly upon entering the cave. We were with him and while we all looked for a cat, we did not hear it. Later, I confirmed with the others in the group that only he heard a cat. So is the strange creature a kind of Cheshire cat? If so, the white rabbit must be nearby! It's possible the "creature" is just a picture formed by cracks in the cave wall, but there's always the doubt.
Click here view a mysterious crystal-like object captured on camera in the same man made cave. There's also a snapshot of the pyramid on the roof of the white mansion in the Ecovillage.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
The Ecovillage cave may not be the rabbit hole and the creature inside may not be the Cheshire cat, but if you're a fan of Alice in Wonderland, then you will love this Cheshire Cat Paper Giclée. It's from the Tim Burton movie! Click here or on the image to place your order.
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Floating Crystal-like Object Captured by Camera in Ecovillage in CamSur, Bicol
I've never really before realized how easily it is to capture strange apparitions and otherwordly objects with a camera. Before digital photography became popular, it was a chore to magnify pictures one by one just to examine the details they hold. But the ease by which photos are instantly viewed and scrutinized these days using computers has made a big difference in how you appreciate pictures from your vacation. It's also made it easier to see any strange things you may have captured in them.
Take the case of the picture above taken from inside the man made cave in Ecovillage in Camarines Sur, Bicol (the Philippines). At first glance, it just appears to show the concrete rocks and walls of an artificial cave for tourists. But look closely at the left side and you will see something out of the ordinary. It seems to be a smudge of light. If you magnify the image (left), it appears transparent and crystalline. See how the outline of the stalagmite shows behind it? I have no idea what it is. In another part of the man made cave, a creature-like thing was captured by the camera. Are these apparitions somehow connected with the pyramid on the roof of the white mansion nearby (below)?
Who really knows if it’s true? Some people believe special energies can emanate from pyramid structures with the same dimensions and orientation as the pyramid of Cheops (inset in above photo; from Wikipedia) in Egypt. If you visually compare the Ecovillage mansion roof pyramid to the Cheops pyramid, the angles appear similar. Is the floating crystal-thing an effect of the pyramid at the Ecovillage white house? Perhaps you can go there and check things out for yourself! Maybe you'll get lucky and catch a few inexplicable things with your camera, too!
See the Pokemon-like creature with glowing eyes also photographed in the Camsur Ecovillage man made cave.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Were you hoping that the floating crystal could be yours? It's hardly possible. But the next best thing is in this mini crystal call with stand! It's cute gift you can give to yourself or your friend! Click here or on the image to place your order.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Orb with Smiley Face Captured by Camera Near Child
Having seen how orbs mysteriously appear in some pictures taken by digital cameras using a flash, it seems strange that some orbs, when magnified, appear to have images in them. One orb that was captured by the camera seems to have a smiley face inside (left; detail). It appeared near a child on a terrace near an old house in Bicol province that was said to harbor ghosts. Pardon my use of smileys to protect the subject's identity. I just couldn't help it. Anyway, you'll be able to discern the smiling orb at the spot where the arrow points to.
The smiley face orb actually resembles the animated character Jack Skellington (left; click it to buy the etched mirror product) from Tim Burton's movie, A Nightmare Before Christmas. This is perhaps the funniest orb I have ever seen. We don't really know what they are, but it's interesting to see what images these orbs may have when magnified. If orbs are conscious, this one must be aware that it's near a kid, which is why it put up its best smiley face! Perhaps it's just it's way of letting us know that it's cool with us.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Do you need a smiley face for a friend? This smiley face Affirmation Ball might be just the thing for you! It tells you that everything's alright and gives you a lift every time. Click here or on the image to place your order.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Red Orb with Scowling Face Caught by Camera after Kid-like Apparition Sighted
My friends and I were in Bicol pretending to be ghost hunters in a hundred-year-old house when we caught what may be one of the most amazing and scariest pictures I have ever taken. I myself was surprised by what I captured on camera (left; magnified). Once the image orb is viewed in close up, a scowling face is revealed. It was quite unexpected but the image coincided neatly with what my friend saw for an instant after the lights blacked out.We had just exited the haunted house when the power outage occurred.
We had just come out of an abandoned house. That house is really part of a group of houses in a family compound. We were in a parking area and weren't expecting anything to happen when the lights went out. My friend had the flashlight and he turned immediately to shine the light behind him when he exclaimed and said he saw a kid behind him for an instant! He didn't really give details, except for the that it was a kid. He really did seem to have seen something which shocked him. There were other kids with us but they were all in front of him. I was behind him so I knew there was no one standing where he saw the apparition. At left is the orb face with emboss effect applied to it. You can clearly see here that there is a question mark-like symbol on its forehead.
Right after my friend saw the ghostly-kid, I took two pictures of the general area with two with him as the foreground. I immediately checked out the first shot and was amazed to find a red orb where the kid was seen. I magnified it and saw what appeared to be a scowling child's face inside the red orb! I showed it to my friend and he said that it's the kid he saw. The other image (immediately below; cropped section follows) also contained an orb, but it looked like an eye (left; magnified and contrast-enhanced) instead of a ball with a face. Could it be the same manifestation as the face orb?
The photo at the top is the original and not enhanced (as well as the one on the left). You can see the faint red orb on the left side. The second photo has had the contrast enhanced. The image below shows the close up of the orb from the non-enhanced picture. Even when faint, you can clearly see eyes and a nose inside the orb, and the face does appear to be scowling! The way the orb catches the light makes it appear to be almost tangible, as if semi-material. Is this orb a manifestation of a child's spirit? Is it the image of an elemental spirit related to the brownie? And why is it red, anyway? Does the color mean it's a fire elemental?
Click on the images to view them in a larger format.
Check out the picture of another eye-like orb in this post: Ghost Hunting in an Old House in Bicol Reveals Orbs and a Mysterious Light
House sprite leaves footprints on walls. Possibly a brownie.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Can't seem to see the face in the red orb? Well, perhaps you need glasses - the kind that Harry Potter wears! Here's the official Harry Potter wire glasses replica! Click here or on the image to place your order.
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Monday, June 14, 2010
Strange Werewolf Planter Décor in Bicol
In the Philippines, there's not a dearth of strange and inexplicable stuff. Local beliefs and knowledge may seem strange to Westerners, but they are part of the lives of Filipinos. Those who live outside the big cities—in places where belief in spirits and the spirit world take precedence over what's obvious to the senses—know for a fact that the world is not always what it seems.
Take this strange werewolf planter décor in a house in Bicol. It seems to have been carved from a single trunk of a tree with a fork. It's a quaint piece of art that shows a funny werewolf grinning at you from behind a tree. We would assume that it's a werewolf since it stands on two feet and seems bipedal. In the Philippines, werewolves are called aswangs. Aswangs are ordinary people who use a mystical salve to transform into an animal such as a dog or a very big bat. While in animal-form, they do their dirty deeds—like feed on human flesh—or whatever it is they do at night.
This werewolf planter is by no means the only one of its kind in Bicol. It's said that there's another sculpture in the house that has a werewolf on it's haunches. I didn't get to take a photo of that one because it's missing. Somewhere in Bicol, there's a sculptor who likes werewolf themes. If you can find him, you can ask him why he likes to sculpt werewolves.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Can't get enough of werewolves? Here's a creepy werewolf action figure from Dark Shadows that's sure to give you lots of scary fun! Click here to place your order.
Ghost Hunting in an Old House in Bicol Reveals Orbs and a Mysterious Light
Those who used to stay in the ancestral house as kids told of scary things that have happened to them. One recounted how a looming back shadow woke him from sleep; another told of smelling her departed grandmother's perfume while playing in a room. But those were just tales; if the house was really haunted, we needed proof. So my friends and I decided to go on an impromptu ghost hunt using nothing more than a digital camera and a flashlight. For privacy, the exact location of the house and the names of the owners are withheld.
The house has two storeys, but we had access to only the first floor. We were lucky to be given permission to explore the house since the owner thought it was dangerous to enter it with rotting floorboards and all. The steps going upstairs were already giving way. We were very careful inside. It was really dark and the single flashlight hardly revealed much.Note that the shiny dots on the door in the photo on the left are reflections from a Fengshui ornament.
I took photos of an open window (top; left). I was hoping to catch something there — like a ghost looking out to see who the curious visitors were — but I didn't see anything. The interior of the first floor also didn't reveal anything. After several photographs, we went out.
Later, we would see that our pictures did catch a few things. There were obviously orbs of light in some of them. In the picture at the top, a strange ray of light comes down from the ceiling at an angle (left; it's just above the horizontal beam near the ceiling). The light seems to be pointing to something near the far wall where an eye-like orb is keeping watch! Note that the ceiling beam has an inscription, which reads completely as: UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS KEEP OUT! (below are two versions of the same cropped image; the one above has normal contrast while the other is enhanced). What appears to be a string of orbs in the foreground is likely from a cobweb or plastic string. Simply click on the image to view it in detail.
We didn't bother to go back in the house and rummage through the dusty clutter to see if there's anything to find where the mysterious ray of light and eye-like orb (left) pointed to. One of my exploring companions wasn't really that keen anymore to explore any further. He suggested that we back off else the spirits get annoyed by our presence or get too attached to us. Anyway, if there's really something to be unearthed in that old house, it was none of our business. It may be wise just to leave it buried and undiscovered.
Click on the images to view them in a larger format.
See the picture of another eye-like orb as well as a red orb with a scowling face in this post: Red Orb with Nasty Face Caught by Camera after Kid-like Apparition Sighted
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
So you want to be a ghostbuster, eh? Well, sometimes, ghostbusting is best left for the professionals. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun wearing a Ghostbusters T-shirt. Click here, or on the image, to place your order.
Smoky Apparition Captured by Camera after Tales of Ghosts
Iriga, Bicol province, The Philippines. It was June, 2010. I was with guests for a wedding and staying in the groom's family house in Iriga. We were told of an incident that happened the night before we arrived. Apparently, in the dead of the night, the dogs started to bark and howl like wolves. The groom told us he liked to think it was a sign that his departed father paying him visit. His wedding was near after all and it made sense to him.
The dogs seemed quiet that night, but for fun, we began to take snapshots of the terrace. We joked that the camera may be able to capture a ghost or two. We didn't exactly expect to see anything in the photos, but the first two already gave us something to think about. The above photo shows what appears to be what paranormal experts call ectoplasm. It's taken from the door to the terrace.
For many of us, the image just shows a foggy thing in front of the camera. But in the other photographs of the terrace (below), there is no fog. Instead there were these strange orbs of light (above; left). Simply click on the image to see them in a larger format.
Note that the flare in the top photo is simply from an object that's too near the camera lens. Nevertheless, are orbs in photographs really indications of spirits or are they just light reflected off dust, water vapor, or insects in the air? Take a look at some of your photos at home taken with a digital camera and flash. Do you see some orbs in them? Whatever we catch on camera can prompt us to take more pictures and investigate even further.
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Please contact him for inquiries.
Are you fascinated by ghosts? Yes?! Then you'll enjoy this Casper the Friendly Ghost graphic novel in hardcover! Click here or on the image to place your order.
A Ghost in a Necktie Appears for a Wedding in Bicol
Do you like ghost stories? Here's one about a picture of ghost before a wedding.
You know how weddings are often RSVP? When a guest that's not on the list appears, a little adjustment is usually needed to accommodate the person. Just give him or her a place at the reception and everything's fine. But what if it's a ghost that pays you a visit before the day of the wedding? When pictures of ghost show up, its either you get scared or shrug it away like it's nothing.
A few days before the wedding of a friend (he's the happy guy in the picture) in Bicol, The Philippines, pictures were casually taken inside the house. In the picture above, the groom poses near the dining area and behind him can be seen the bathroom door and part of the kitchen. Nothing seemed wrong with the picture until it was uploaded into a laptop. Zooming in revealed what appeared to be glowing orbs of light. In the top picture, you can see that there's a bright one on the left, beside the electric fan, and another on the upper right side. The orbs may be just digital image artifacts, but the human form with them is likely not.
The ghost appears to be that of a man, but because of the vague quality of the image, there was no way to positively associate it with a real person. Interestingly, the groom's father had recently passed away four months earlier. So what is in the picture? Is it really a ghost in photos? Is it a simple reflection on the wall? Is it just a play of light? We can only wonder and surmise. But it's perfect for my pictures of ghost and ghost stories collection.
Click on the images to view them in a larger format.
Some ghosts just can show up without a nice suit. Beetlejuice is one nasty ghost who knows how to dress up. He may not be real, but at least he's inspiring! Click here or on the image to place your order.
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