A tourist poses beside a mojo store display table in Boracay. |
If you're into lucky charms and other scary stuff, then the items in this store should be of interest to you. It's hard to say what the items shown in the pictures are for. But you can see what appears to be a dream catcher in one of the pictures (top); there are also monkey skulls, which, in some cultures, are considered lucky. Sometimes, they are used to cast spells - for good or otherwise.
Boracay island is just off the northern tip of Panay island in the Philippines, where it is said, many residents practice a local form of witchcraft and where monsters like aswangs and manananggals roam at night looking for victims. The aswang is supposed to be like a werewolf that can shape-shift into a large dog through the application of a magical balm on the skin; the manananggal on the other hand, is a woman who can separate her upper body from her torso when she goes off in search of fresh, young human meat. Could there be charms in this store that will help protect you from such supernatural creatures? Could there be charms here that can turn you into an aswang? Perhaps they are just ordinary trinkets with no otherworldly powers at all? There's only one way to find out!
Photos, unless specified, are owned by alvinwriter. Contact him for copyright inquiries.
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So you think you have the blood of a witch but don't have the guts to be one? Well, at least you can buy this witch's hat inspired by the Talking Sorting Hat in Harry Potter! Click here or on the image to order this Harry Potter Sorting hat plush, now!